Every day my mind is blown away.

So I’m watching the first episodes of Blue Planet 2 with Attenborough, and my mind is blown away. And I start to realise that this sensation of having my mind blown, is becoming a daily thing some how. Every day something we all take for granted, is being changed, is being accepted or becoming controversial. A lot of people are scared of these changes, but I can’t help but feel blessed, feel so much gratitude to live in these wonderful, ever changing times. I don’t really want to start a list of all these amazing changes, because it’s too many of them and I’m too lazy.

We live in an age of exponentially fast change, some superficial, and some are just game changers. In the next couple of years we will all become gods, creating life and modifying it as we see fit. Technology is advancing at speeds unknown to human history, granting us supernatural powers. All these superhero movies are going to be terribly outdated slapstick movies in the near future, because we’ll all be able of much greater feats than those comic book superpowers. Augmented reality, nano technology, quantum super computers, growing food from nothing, creating life from nothing, all of this and more, is slipping in to our reality. Problems and issues our collective ancestors used to struggle over for centuries, are now just fixed. Of course that has created completely new and original problems, but nothing we can’t handle.

What’s funny is that a lot of people from the older generations see lots of doom and gloom and the mandatory: “it’s the end of the world!” catchphrase I hear every year. But at the same time I see a lot of kids embrace these changes and do things that are just amazing, and it all seems so normal. I could die today a happy man with no regrets, only, I want to find out what happens next! People call out for change, what we forget is that actual real change, is never popular. So Brexit, President Trump, Australian gay marriage etc. this is what real change looks like. And forget about any notion of it ever being like the past again. The future is not going to be easy but it sure will be very different from today, and it will blow my mind and hopefully yours too.

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