We’re not buying it!

Every single fucking activity, service and show, is constantly trying to sell me some shit I don’t need. Just a constant, continuous barrage of people and programs trying to sell me their garbage products. The more they push it, the more they keep nagging about it, the more I know what not to spend my money on. Notice how all the good stuff in life never needs advertising or promotions. Personally I’d love to see advertising for crack, prostitutes  and tattoos I immediately regret. Family Guy did a couple of those, but some of the best ones were from Ren and Stimpy, just so ridiculous but damn close to the real thing. Some of the worst is those freemium games, where they abuse the fact some of us are dumb enough to spend insane amounts of money on really stupid games. I personally lost several hundreds on some fucking online freemium shit game, and I feel retarded until this day. What’s really depressing is these leeches are making so much money from just terrible junk, and it requires zero thought and effort.

And now for something completely different, come buy this magical powder from me, at your local shady dark alley, you know that side of the neighbourhood you would never go to at night. This amazing powder will alleviate any fears and anxieties you may have, and replace it with a completely new fear! The fear of not having enough magic powder to shoot in to your veins and slowly slip into a wonderful coma. It’s a limited time offer, since the local authorities require me to relocate my place of business every other month. But seriously folks, this powder is so good, you’d stab strangers just to get more of this wonderful powder. Lie, steal and perform sexual acts to get more of this amazing powder, it’s really fucking worth it. It’s a merit based product, as in everybody deserves to snort this shit, for low low prices. Stay away from these fucking pharmaceutical parasites and these so called doctors, buy the same shit they have for half the price! Quality guarantees, who cares? Is it made locally, who knows? All I know is I’ve been awake now for 40 hours straight and I feel like a god. And so can you, just grab some cash and get that powder!

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