President Twitter speech is not Muslim friendly…

The President tweets some anti-Muslim propaganda, which smells a lot like a distraction from a controversial tax cut bill. As usual people from both sides double down on their political heart felled narratives, luckily I enjoy the escalations. However I always feel bad for the same people who are the perpetual losers in this shit show, ordinary decent Muslims. I’ve worked several jobs with Muslims, and they seem to be receiving the same amount of hate and discrimination Jews suffered last century. Muslims themselves are pushing and pulling for change in their own way, which is hard enough without a President pointing the finger at them for every bad thing that has ever happened. Generalisations about people doesn’t help much, because it just creates a bigger distance between people who have different insights and cultures. The more distance between me and someone else, the easier it becomes to be ignorant about them, and treat them like less than human.

But enough of this moralising, virtue signalling preaching, lets take a look at a President who is equally controversial but for different reasons. Macron went to Africa at Burkina, where he managed to reply many young heated African students concerns. Here’s the badass quote:“You speak to me like I’m a colonial power, but I don’t want to look after electricity in Burkina Faso. That’s the work of your president,” I’m very excited and hopeful for Macron to get some shit done, even though I don’t believe that politics and policies can avert the drastic changes in our society and way of life, at best it can de-escalate some of them. Status quo, balance of power and a whole bunch of other shit is just changing every single day, it’s very hard to keep up, and it will escalate in more dramatic ways, that I’m sure of. Lets try to learn from past mistakes, not repeat those past mistakes and maybe have a sense of humour about it all. Pro tip: don’t count on Twitter or the news to have a sense of humour about most issues.

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